Backstreet’s Back at Sea
In conjunction with their 20th anniversary, the Backstreet Boys just announced their third cruise, set to sail October 25, 2013 on the Carnival Imagination.
Some will argue this is the band’s first real reunion since it will include Kevin Richardson (baritone, goatee) after a six year absence. For a band that has been coming “back” since 1997, there’s not much more back they can come than this.
If this account of the 2011 voyage of the SS Backstreet is any indication, the Boys mingle thoroughly while on the ship, which is a huge plus for fans. Be sure to scroll down to the part where security pounces on the author for violating the no-touching Backstreet Boys policy, only to get waived off by one of the artists themselves.
Naturally, this cruise–which, like many of the best concert cruises these days, comes complete with a private island party in the Bahamas–is a dream come true for a hardcore Backstreet fan. But it may also be a dream come true for a single guy who doesn’t mind his ladies with a bit of nostalgia. Guys, the ratio on this cruise is going to be incredible. And when the fans get shooed away from touching the talent, you’ll be right there to catch their swoon. Think about it.
Follow all the updates on this cruise here on ECR, or on this BSB Cruise blog.